Invaluable lessons from a small networking group (and what your business may secretly desire)

August 13, 2014

Have you ever over analyzed a business decision? Almost talked yourself out of the decision even, only to end up doing it anyway and having the MOST amazing result?

Yay. Me too.

Last Saturday the Wisconsin Health Coach group I facilitate had our August, in-person networking event. We didn’t have our minimum number of registrants and even though I thought about cancelling (you know to stay in integrity with the whole minimum number requirement, blah, blah, blah) every cell of my being said “Screw the rules. Let’s do this!”

5 of us showed up and hung out for 4 awesome hours.

This was by far our best get together (more on this later).

We talked business.
We talked life.
We talked sex, drugs, and drinking (and skinny dipping!)
We laughed hysterically.
We ate healthy, yummy food…together.
We hugged.
We stretched professional ideas.
We validated visions.
We supported each others’ pace for progress (it IS summer after all!)
We shared resources.
We got clear and focused.
We found individual voices and messages.
We moved through personal fears.
We committed to actions moving forward.
We found a BIGGER vision for our group.

When the time came to share what makes this networking group so unique…I almost lost my breath at these two statements:

  • “This is NOT a networking group, it’s a mastermind group.”
  • “This is a necessity.”

You see, the reason I now know why this event was by far the best we’ve experienced is that the health coaches created the results. This group has been 100% organic from the start. I’ve been doing what the group wants, when they want it.

And what the health coaches wanted at the end of the day…in their words…was a mastermind group! That’s exactly the experience they created.

There’s a ton of resources at your disposal right now to grow your business. The question is typically not about what to invest in, but when. Am I right? The Done-For-You programs, detoxes and workshops, online marketing kits, new fancy websites, virtual assistants giving you more time, big year-long group programs, huge conferences, home study guides, etc…you’d love to do them all.

Hell, if you’re anything like me you’ve probably done them all already or about to hop on that  sensation seeking bus…

And I get it. We’re life-long learners after all.

Instead of getting lost in the sea of more learning, give yourself permission, to catch your breath.

Ask yourself this simple question:
Do I need more business stuff or do I need to get business stuff done?

Mastermind groups are designed to get you moving forward (if done correctly). They are designed to have you commit to your higher self, to your highest business vision and to the other partners in the group.

It’s all about action baby. Implementation. Consistency. Follow through. Accountability. Soul support for your business. Sisterhood.

Action is what stands between a successful health coach and one that is thinking about really making this “health coaching thing work.”

So dial into your core business desires sensitive soul.

You may just find exactly what your business needs (and what you secretly desire…)

Big Hugs,

Lisa Sarnowski

Lisa Sarnowski

Business Strategist & Money Mindset Coach for Women Entrepreneurs