Are You Stuck In Your Planning (where to focus instead)

March 1, 2013


Recently I’ve experienced something in my business that my gut tells me you most likely are also experiencing or will experience at some point.

Feeling stuck.

I love strategic planning.  My entire year is mapped out and I’ve had the pleasure of helping clients (through my Traction Virtual Retreat) to map out their entire 2013 business and marketing as well.  Financials goals are being crushed and I even ‘treated’ our family to a new car.  Lots of service and happiness surrounds me.

Yet, I feel stuck.  Stuck “in” my 2013 plan.

Planning can be an awesome thing.  Until…you get stuck.  Stuck with feeling overwhelmed at everything that needs to get done or uninspired by the work. 

Perhaps it’s just that time of year?  A good spring cleanse is definitely in order (please send me info on your spring cleans/detox!).   But in my soul it feels more like I’ve become a prisoner to my own planning.

Have you ever felt that way?

Here you are, proud that you carved out time to create a clear, strategic and doable business, marketing, and time management plans for 2013 but now feel BLAH….it’s as if all of your healthy creativity is chronically dehydrated leaving you to feel rigid, anxious, overwhelmed and stressed?

That’s how I felt.

But then it hit me: everything about planning is quite masculine.  Deadlines, structure, instructions, etc…That’s where the feelings of rigidity crept in, simmered and stewed until I boiled over way out of alignment.  It’s when alignment is off that feelings of anxiousness, overwhelm and stress show up.  All of which clearly do not serve you, your business or clients well.

So if you’re feeling like a planning prisoner right now with your business or marketing plans, get unstuck by shifting your focus away from the plans’ rigidity.

Instead, focus on these two core feminine elements:

1) Your WHY factor. 

This is WHY you’re a health coach.  It’s about identifying, believing and really owning your BIG business vision.  Why is health and wellness coaching your BIG dream?  What sparks your passions?   What makes you jump out of bed every morning eager to get going?  Focusing on your WHY factor shifts the rigid planning mindset into a more creative and passionate place where action becomes pleasurable.

2) Your feelings.

Your feelings are critical to getting unstuck with your planning.  Feelings are really all about action here because feelings anchor actions into place.  Focus on the feelings you want once an activity in your plan is complete instead of the activity itself.  This is about identifying what feelings you want to have when those activities are completed – relief, confidence, pride, joy, awesomeness, persistence, energized, savvy?  How does your plan make you feel?  How about the specific activities?  What do you want to feel once an activity or plan is completed?  Leverage your planning with your feelings alongside deadlines to get unstuck and have more fun one activity at a time. 

The main goal here is to keep moving your business vision forward so you can live and breathe the feelings you desire in life.  One step at a time gets you there.  Actions gets you there.  And with each step, no matter how big or small, you’re one step closer to making a bigger impact in the world and having the life of your dreams.  So moving is key.

What do you think?  What is your BIG vision and core feelings desired that inspire you to get unstuck and continue moving forward?  Leave a comment below and let’s chat!


Lisa Sarnowski

Lisa Sarnowski

Business Strategist & Money Mindset Coach for Women Entrepreneurs