Niches: The Simplest Business Strategy To Overlook

September 1, 2012

Photo: Road sign with the word "money" on itWhen I was health coaching I loved teaching a ‘back to basics’ nutrition model because I believe that many food cravings, weight and energy issues relate to poor sleep habits, dehydration and not eating breakfast. Easy sell, right? WRONG!

Clients instantly wanted to dive into something more extreme like making all homemade food, do a detox, or elimination diet to test for food sensitivities.

I became fascinated with this extreme behavior. So, I created a Healthy Meals in Minutes info product. Result? Sold like hot cakes. Then I made a 5-Day Simple Detox home study info product with a food sensitivity BONUS guide. Result? Rave reviews because of their immediate results.

Lessons learned?

  • As the coach: Shape a relationship with prospective clients by serving their needs. Just give them what they want and make sure there are some immediate results delivered.
  • As the client: It’s the simple changes that are sometimes the most difficult. (I actually had a prospective NOT ideal client tell me: why waste time and $$$ working on sleep, water and breakfast when I can eat whatever I want and just detox 4 times a year? Ugg….)

What fascinates me as a business strategist now is that the same ‘simple’ lessons hold true for my health coach clients. Immediate results are necessary to keep paying the bills, stop fighting with your partner and to allow you the opportunity to truly live your passion through your business.

And make no mistake about it. Immediate results means more money…like yesterday.

To get more money. You need clients. So the real immediate need is how do I get more clients?

Answer: you must first identify your target market and get crystal clear on your niche.

Niches allow you to:

  • know WHERE to find clients online and offline,
  • connect with clients on a much deeper level,
  • get clear on your programs, products and packages,
  • find a unique and consistent message,
  • simplify your marketing,
  • and build trust faster with prospective clients.

Just like the answer to “how do I end food cravings” is to physically start with sleep, water and breakfast, the answer to “how do I get more clients” is to start with finding your niche.

I know it’s not the sexy business work of public speaking or creative work of putting together your service and product packages. But without finding your niche, the topics for your speaking events and packages becomes incredibly difficult. And where there are no catchy titles and packages there are no clients. No clients = broke, frustrated and ready to throw in the towel.

If you are struggling to get clients, pay the bills and it’s been months since you’ve treated yourself to a luxurious night out then you must go back to business basics. You must reassess your niche now.

Not sure how to identify your niche? Leave a comment below and I’ll help you get started today.

Lisa Sarnowski

Lisa Sarnowski

Business Strategist & Money Mindset Coach for Women Entrepreneurs