Immune boosters for your business (find out where to focus inside)

October 25, 2014

Fall is definitely here.

Less day-light, leaf piles in yards, apples and yummy root vegetables surround us…

…and so can sickness.

Yes, cold and flu season is around us as well.

I know you’re probably sharing natural immune boosting tips with your clients. (If not, this is a great newsletter or blog topic!)

I’ve been pumping my son, Desmond, full of these natural immune boosters:

  • Black Elderberry Syrup
  • Probiotics
  • Thieves (topical)
  • Coconut oil on his nostrils at night (this is awesome btw!)
  • Steam baths with peppermint oil
  • Vitamin D3
  • Fish Oil
  • Vitamin C

Phew! (If you have other tips for a 3-year-old please share. I’m all ears!)

Just like we need immune boosters for our bodies, your coaching practice also needs business boosters for professional growth and development.

Here are 3 Fall Business Boosters:

1) Systems
There are specific business systems every health coaching practice needs in order to thrive. These do not need to be complicated, high-tech or expensive. But you need to figure out what systems you need and how you can adapt those systems to work best for you. The business booster you need is not to simply have systems in place, but to have them start working for you.

This Fall, review your systems and identify the ones you need to improve or invest in. Top systems I recommend exploring: online scheduler, CRM, and task manager.

2) Sisters
Imagine waking up, rushing around getting your family ready and out the door on time. You come back home only to witness, what looks like, a mini-bomb went off in your house. So you take the next 30 minutes to pick everything up, do the dishes and throw in a load of laundry. You race back to your home office excited to **finally** begin working. One look at your computer; you feel overwhelmed and out of sorts with where to focus. You’re not sure what to do. In this moment you **generally** feel like you have two options: power through or give up. The business booster you need instead is to call or chat with a colleague who knows you and really “gets” you. Someone who can motivate you, talk you off the ledge and share business resources you need to get you out of that “funk.”

This Fall, start looking around for your highly sensitive health coach sisters to connect, support and stretch you. Finding your professional tribe is a business game-changer.

3) Action-Being
As an entrepreneur, it can feel as though you’re constantly doing, doing, doing to get your business off the ground, find clients and make money. Taking revenue-generating action everyday is what grows your business. No doubt. Yet, as a highly sensitive coach the business booster you need is to recognize that your quality of being is as important as action, if not more so. In order to be an effective coach and entrepreneur, you must first focus on being your best.

This Fall, explore this action-being process by learning to follow your intuition, how to use your highly sensitive qualities to support your business rather than keep you stuck, embrace extreme self-care and have more fun!

I’m a firm believer that our bodies are our best health story tellers. And when we’re sick with a cold, one of the things your body is telling you to do is slow down.

Same thing is true in business.

When you’re not making the money the desire, attracting all the “wrong” clients or completely spinning your wheels not sure where to turn – your business is sick. It’s time to slow down, readjust what’s working and create a new course of action-being.

Big Hugs,

Lisa Sarnowski

Lisa Sarnowski

Business Strategist & Money Mindset Coach for Women Entrepreneurs